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发表于 2019-9-22 18:16:48
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2019-9-22 18:22 编辑
震惊:shocked, gobsmacked, dumbfounded, devastated, startled, taken aback,
冷漠:indifferent, aloof, not interested, having a poker face, detached
快乐:smiley, happy, having a big grin on the face, having a big smile; happiness is written all over his/her face
突然轻快起来:brighten (up), lighten up
眼睛发亮(表示快乐): Her eyes sparkle (with excitement/happiness). His eyes glow.
黑眼圈:dark circles. He has dark circles under his eyes.
喜欢:like, love, be fond of, be captivated by, be attracted to, fall for, fall in love with
Colorful lights flashed around and L's eyes were forced to squint. He was not satisfied with his cousin who dragged him to this concert of a Kpop group, but he hadn't seen her for a long time, so he still said "yes" to her.
He looked like an old man who was gonna get a heart attack surrounded by girls' crazy shouting. Geez! He frowned and then was amused by their passion. Some girls even began to cry with happy tears. "Is it too late for me to get out?" he pondered. Just then, he heard powerful drumbeats, and coupled with them were a dozen of young flowery men. Maybe less then a dozen, but definitely more than eight. They wore bright red suits, glittery jewelry and a lot of makeup. L couldn't help roasting their style while girls and some boys in the stadium started a game titled "who is shouting 'oppa' louder."
Gobsmacked, L looked at his tearful cousin and then looked at the stage where that white-haired guy was staring in the direction of his cousin or him? "Who is this guy? Is he interested in my cousin?" L's main focus never put on the performance, because his mind was twisted in this cult-like ambience. He couldn't understand a fanatic fan's stance and he wanted to. However, that guy, by his antics, always distracted him from observing the audience. He would quickly move to other parts of the stage and then dance back to the nook near them and try his best to stay there as long as he can until other members push him away. "What are you doing, bro?" L felt that he was haunted by a lot of myths: Why theses fans so crazy? Why this guy kept looking in this direction? What's his motive?