



楼主: 蓝田日暖
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家庭是个大课堂   [复制链接]

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-11-5 01:31:28 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2023-11-5 01:37 编辑



Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-11-3 08:50:22 |只看该作者
What? ! Finally I looked at the date of the writing, which was five months ago, and so, the possibility of my reading the next chapter was miserably low. I regretted not noticing the date and now I was hung at the cliff, desperately wanting to know what would happen to them.

As I was walking outdoors at the same day, I remembered one important thing, which was: Actually I knew some of the scenes I would love to see happening to them. Some of my preferences were easy to figure out and my imagination could already picture certain scenarios about them which would definitely please myself. I actually don't need to wait for the feeding from the outside though it's always so easy and quick to read or watch already present works others have presented. Follwing this train of thought, I quickly created several amazingly-pleasing-to-myself scenes in my mind's eye about two of my favorite characters. I became the director and I was the scriptwriter selfishly writing storyline that fully satisfied myself. So, naturally the disappointment about that fan fiction dissipated.

Sometimes, being frank about what I truly want/desire/prefer is not that easy, but it's so worthwhile to at least let myself be honest with them. So many things we think we don't like and would never like actually could be pleasing if our present conditions are different. But when we don't believe in the change of these conditions, all of the following new possibilities, new desires and preferences cannot be shown to us clearly, or more accurately said, cannot be acknowledged by us.


Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-11-1 02:40:26 |只看该作者




Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-10-29 03:05:13 |只看该作者
Purposefully Activate the Feeling of Happiness:

I am happy because:

I am happy because I naturally woke up with a fresh mind at 5 am. I was eager to begin my day before my computer. I took sips of drinking water, quieting my mind and then deiberately searching blessings to put on my list of appreciation. Counting blessings at the start of the day paves for me a much better feeling journey. As my fingers moved quickly on the keyboard, meaningful words poured out upon the wps document. I enjoyed the focused process of writing appreciation lists.

I am happy because I had discoverd a funny variety show featuring the movie Creation of the Gods. I laughed out loud when watching some parts, and so I kept going back to them to have a good laugh. I so admire the robust spirits those trainees owned during their training sessions. Different personalities came together and then comedies began. Hou Wenyuan contributed at least half to those hilarious scenes. His confidence is on another level.

I am happy because I collect new ways to keep my mind clear, fresh and interested. I don't need to depend upon outside objects to do so, because I can think thoughts, create motion pictures in my mind's eye to enhance the clear state of my mind. I am good at imagining or visualizing or scripting interesting scenes just for the pleasure they bring to me.

I am happy because I live in a wonderful, safe, beautiful, alive, neat, resourceful, convnient city/community/house. I like the living conditions here. I like taking long evening walks outdoors. I like enjoying my time in the lovely cafe. I like lying on the bed, letting my relaxed body resonating with the musical rhythem. I get to savor food and drinks every day. I have access to unlimitd Internet resources indoors and outdoors. I am supported by environments with pleasing sounds or quietness.

I am happy because I am healthy. My body works extremely well for me. My body can easily let go of any medication in positive ways and it did. Every part of my body, including every organ, keeps robust and energetic. I get to do all kinds of moves with my flexible and firm body. I breathe easily. I see, hear and speak clearly. My teeth cut, bite, chew and grind food efficiently for me. My throat is wide enough to let all food and drinks smoothly in. My heart automatically beats and pumps.

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-10-28 06:07:29 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2023-10-28 21:43 编辑








Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-10-27 12:37:00 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2023-10-27 15:24 编辑

Appreciation and Love and Find Them Even If It Is Hard

She has her own opinions of almost everything. When she makes her mind,  no one can change her. Stubborn, persistent, she is true to herself no matter what. She doesn't blame any other for what happens in her life because a long time ago, she already chose to take full responsibility for every bit of her life. Complaint rarely comes out of her mouth; complaining is a waste of time to her.

Most of the time, she is nice, kind, friendly, allowing and loving. She values harmony among people. She is willing to help and support oftentimes. And she is not hesitate to say no to requirements or suggestions that don't feel good to her. She clearly shows her attitude by repeatedly saying "no" if that is needed. She likes discovering, acknowledging and memorizing beauty of everyone in her family. She can easily find their positive aspects and shining spots, which leads to strong appreciation in her heart.

She is a passionate liver of her life. She continually gets new things to excite her mind. She is open to all kinds of interesting facts of this world. She likes learning new knowledge, information and data about subjects that attract her attention. She is eager to get up early in the morning, happily jumping into the detail of her life. She feels blessed by so many existences on the planet earth--music, interesting stories, soothing natural scenes, mutual respect and love among people, lovely firefighters with golden hearts, etc.

She likes being solution oriented. As she deliberately relaxes, calms down, solution always comes more quickly. She has been cultivating the attitude of unconditional lightheareted, because it's both practically beneficial and extremely cool. She likes the laid-backness one can demonstrate in difficult situations which lets her know this is something she wants for herself.

She rarely feels lonely. She enjoys her solitude while also liking hanging around with people in a lighthearted mood. She knows how to make her life as fulfilling as she can. This way, she often feels blessed by so many wonderful activities which bring her pleasure on a daily basis, instead of feeling like a victim to life.

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-10-26 23:52:23 |只看该作者
Things are working out for me.

Again, I wake up naturally early this morning. I am clear-minded, fully refreshed and ready to start my day. I like having more clear-minded daytime to do what I like. I know the importance of building a good feeling start of the day, so I sit in front of my computer, quieting my mind, and begin to purposefully list things that go well for me. The first thing coming to my mind is my wellness/health and wonderful bodily conditions. I appreciate every part of my body which is working so well for me day and night. I am healthy. I am clear-minded, flexible, robust and energetic. I have abundant mental and physical energy to enjoy my time. I see clearly, hear clearly, speak clearly, move freely, walk fast and own extremely flexible hands and fingers.

I live in a wonderful house within a wonderful community within a wonderful city. This city is beautiful, alive, clean, orderly, safe, resourceful and convenient. I feel totally satisfied with where I am, with these amazing physical spaces and environments. The government diligently manages all kinds of aspects of this city. Garbage cans are cleaned up at 4 or 5 am. Roads are watered and swept every day. We have access to electricity, cleaning water, natural gas, and the Internet 24/7. I walk safely outdoors in the evening. I am welcomed by the lovely cafe during the daytime. I lie on the big bed in my room, gently moving my body to the musical rhythm...

I am interested in more and more things and I become more passionate about creating and living my life. As a music lover, I am still in love with beautiful songs every day and I attract new heart-touching music on and on. I laugh easily when watching funny contents online. I feel strong resonance. I live in strong appreciation and love. I feel joy in the laughter. I get inspired to think new thoughts and carry out new actitivities. I appreciate everyone related to these creations, from the music app staff, composers, lyricists, and singers to the director and actors of the movie Creation of the Gods.


Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-10-26 09:59:08 |只看该作者
People in my life

My brother just took my nephew out for fun at the beach. He is a responsible and loving father, trying his best to balance study/work and play. When he makes a decision, he often holds onto it persistently, not negatively influenced by others' opinions. Good for him. By being so, he also offered precious opportunities for other people to be independent and unconditional.

Girls in the cafe open the door in time, clean up the whole space and make me a cup of fresh iced American coffee. I appreciate their effort to create this bright, comfy, neat, convenient space for me.

From time to time, I watch videos featuring Cisha. Today, he mentioned one of his favorite singers--Liang Bo. As a music lover, I was happy to discover more musicians and immediately I found a beautiful song sung by this talented singer. I already downloaded this song to loop it.

My parents are supportive of each other. They have great harmony with each other, chatting lightheartedly with each other and working together to fulfill certain tasks. They share some interests and have meaningful conversations to carry out every day.

My grandma follows her own life path and her life offers me greater clarity of what kind of life I want to live. I get to form clearer vision about my future. While at the same time, I am offered a precious opportunity to be more allowing and patient and unconditional.


Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-10-26 02:30:55 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2023-10-26 02:42 编辑





Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-10-25 13:51:08 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2023-10-25 13:57 编辑

It is a good opportunity for me to practice unconditional steadiness. I choose to walk my unique path regardless of what any other says. I like taking full responsibility for my life. I like making my OWN decision and fully accepting whatever comes from it. Nothing serious is going on in my life; I am clear about this.

I can always get up and walk my own path at any moment wherever I am. I choose to belittle things that previously might seem big or serious to me. On and on, I keep on getting back to the track that pleases to me. I am indeed loved, supported, guided and protected. On every life subject, there are unlimited alternatives for me, and so I never need to depend upon one specific source.

I know what kind of being I want to become. I like being stable, unconditional, persistent and stubborn. I like stubbornly holding onto my visoin, my thoughts, and my desires, no matter what people around me are saying. Actually, I did quite well though sometimes I got into fight with them. At least, I wouldn't give up my desires or dreams just because of worrying about their disapprovals. I learn to, as much as I can, ignore their speeches while focusing upon what I like in my mind's eye, not quarrelling with them on the surface. This really saves me a lot of precious time and energy.

The best state of being regarding relationships is being in love. However, when I feel guarded, worrying about negative perspectives of them, it's often not the time for me to reach for this state. Too hard. Too late for now. Later gator. There will be a time to do that.

I choose to feel as good as I can, using any reason, because I believe this is beneficial to me on all fronts of my life. I like counting my blessings: My heart resonates and gets touched by beautiful songs. My body moves accordingly to the rhythm. I am put into the state of strong appreciation of the beauty of sounds. My mind just followed the story of a cute little Mongol boy pursuing his dream of being a horseman in the grassland. He was so sure of his dream. He was so cool riding his beloved horse in the wind. I could feel the great satisfaction and excitement riding the horse as a master brought to him. What a journey! If I get the chance, I also want to discover the fun of riding a horse freely. I like being in the state of appreciation. Recently, I have been appreciating a lot of actors and comedians. I feel blessed by knowing them and enjoying their existence and creations. I feel joy perceiving those attractive subtleties in professionals' skills, in their acting, in their dancing, in their wording, etc. What feasts my mind has been savoring these days! ...

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-10-25 04:17:37 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2023-10-25 04:25 编辑


电子产品遇到问题,绝大多数时候是我自己解决的,有些时候是它们自己恢复的,最后才会求助于维修机构。虽有些烦躁,但我很清楚自己的情绪状态会影响到生活的方方面面,为此而烦恼划不来。我很快决定放下担心,第二天再考虑具体怎么处理;怀抱一些期待,我还是把笔记本电脑充分展开,倒放出水晾干。重要的东西还是该有备份,很快我就执行了Plan B,拿出另一台笔记本电脑使用起来,此时纠结情绪基本跑光了。



Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-10-24 15:06:19 |只看该作者
My Abundance:

The snacks I wanted to eat just offered me a satisfying discount, and the bank card also gave me a discount, so I got these snacks with much cheaper prices. This, of course, belongs to my abundance. There are lots of similar examples like this in my daily life.

I am healthy. I feel comfortable from head to toe. I am clear-minded, flexible and energetic. I have abundant mental and physical energy so much so that I don't need much night sleep. I know how to make the best of night sleep and daytime naps to keep my mind replenished. Every part of my body works extremely well for me. I see, hear and speak clearly. I move freely. I walk fast. I do all kinds of things through my flexible, versatile hands and fingers.

I have abundant free time to do what I like. I am passionate about life. I am eager about my life. There are so many things I am interested in. Every day, new things come up and attract my attention. There are a long long list of things which I am eager to do, calling me to get up early in the morining.

I have access to unlimited beautiful songs. Heart touching music. Resonating songs that move my body naturally. I appreciate netease music app which offers me infinite high quality songs all over the world. Unlimited interesting stories of abundant genres shower upon me, exciting my mind and igniting my imagination. I can easily search and find something to watch on iqiyi, mgtv, youku and tencent with the vips I own.

I live in a beautiful, neat, robust, safe, convnient city where most of my family members live. I feel totally satisfied with where I am. I enjoy my indoor spaces and outdoor spaces. I mainly stay in bright, comfy, convenient, and supportive physical environments. They work so well that I can easily focus upon subjects I choose, not needing to worry about other stuff.

We, members of this family, are quite independent most of the time. We are busy doing our own things, not asking others to fulfill our needs or desires. We have our own hobbies and spend time on them to boost our spirit every day. My mom likes singing, making snacks and watching poker games. My brother persistently follows his unique business path as a self-employer. From time to time, we get together and eat meals in a lighthearted mood. We care about each other. We are supportive of each other, while respecting each other's privacy.

Every day, I enjoy molding my thoughts to build new belief system that is more beneficial. I become more stable, independent, self-loving, and persistent in pursing what's meaningful to me. I get clearer about what I truly like and desire. I respect my own preferences. I care much less about what others think of me. What freedom!

I can easily get happy. I laugh easily. There are a lot of people and their behaviors or antics making me laugh loudly. I grin ear to ear because of those creative fans who have such wild and hilarious imagination. I like watching their creations on bilibili. I appreciate them immensely.

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-10-24 08:58:19 |只看该作者

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-10-23 13:25:53 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2023-10-23 13:30 编辑

Qini Hajvd--Kevin




Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-10-23 03:03:12 |只看该作者




Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-10-22 15:32:25 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2023-10-22 16:03 编辑











Sold Out--Jonathan/Hawk ,


We down we go--Kaleo,



How can I be sure--Anomie Belle,

Another war--黄玮昕,


Seduction--Paul Velchev,

The Irishman--Paul Velchev,

Magnolia--Nyah Grace,


Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-10-22 07:42:53 |只看该作者


当那些声音又大声又刺耳时,我一般会采取Plan B。其实很简单,确定一个自己的注意力中心,然后不断地将自己的注意力投注在上面,一遍一遍将向外脱轨的它重新拉回到这个中心点上来,一段时间之后,你的心稳定下来,你不再关心周围的声音,也就不会因此而心生埋怨。甚至,你还可能感谢对方给了你宝贵的机会,用于训练你在嘈杂环境中的专注力。


Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-10-22 07:13:41 |只看该作者




Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-10-21 02:52:31 |只看该作者






Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-10-21 02:27:28 |只看该作者





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