



楼主: 蓝田日暖
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家庭是个大课堂   [复制链接]

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-1-7 14:01:41 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2024-1-8 01:24 编辑





Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-1-9 04:37:38 |只看该作者

I heard birdsong outside the window, it's still early, but my mind was moslty awake. I turned on the mini portable lamp on left side to light up the room a bit, so that I could keep clear in the breathing practice. I purposefully focused upon my deep breathing in and out and at the interval, I put my attention upon the tip of my nose. None of them would cause any significant emotional moves in my body, and so my mind got quieter and quieter.

As soon as I got up, I started moving fast in order to finish all the things at home before I went out. While my mind was playing something very different from what my hands were doing. I was thinking about a documentary I watched yesterday when I was brushing teeth, washing dishes and applying toner onto my face.

As walking to the bus station, I watched a vlog talking about Argetina economy. Though not understanding some of the terms the uploader was using, I still felt interested. I keep on following my interests not thinking about much why I get interested. Because I just get interested and this is a sure-footed fact. In the process, I continually collect useful information and data.

He is self-employed and one of the benefits is that he has great freedom in time arrangements. He can go and pick his son up every afternoon. He can have fun with him in a leisure manner, eating something together, or taking him to the amusement park, or piecing together a lego toy. He is rarely supervised by anyone, and he works efficiently in this free-flowing atmosphere. He has already acquired one of the necessary personality traits for the business. He is a people person who likes interacting with, supporting, assisting, and uplifting people with great genuineness. He likes making friends and this is one of the most natural things for him since he was very young. He enjoys what he does and so he wouldn't go through the motions. As time goes by, his confidence and belief in the thriving of his business no matter what become stronger and stronger, because he keeps on learning and growing and self-encouraging and appreciating his customers and remembering his past successes. He holds positive expectation of his business, no matter what others say or no matter what the general market behaves now. He is a powerful, confident and optimistic self-employer.

They respect each other and they have so much to chat with each other. They are talking about harvesting vegetables and how to better salt the large amount of pork. While she cooks, he is very willing to assist. He takes her to work on his scooter every morning. She cooks the supper usually consisting of at least on dish he likes very much. Together, they take care of their grandchildren lovingly. We respect each other, busy with our own things. We feel natural sharing the same space without talking a lot, if it is not needed. Re-activating the love they hold for me which can be evidenced by so many past stories, I become more and more patient, gentle and understanding toward them, letting the atmosphere of allowance surround all of us as much as I can, which feels good to me.

With a cup of hot green tea, I was reading a fan fic and immediately amazed at how "unhinged" the writer was. In a very amusing, cute, impressive way. My heart was filled of great appreciation of her crazy, original imagination and talented writing skills, or better said inspirations. I felt glad that it's a moderately long novel so that I could leave part of it for the future savoring and for now, I was inspired to do another thing. The pull was strong and therefore I surrendered to it.

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-1-10 02:44:47 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2024-1-10 02:52 编辑

I like walking fast in the evening under the moon, surrounded by sweet spaciousness in this city. Again, I multi-tasked. I moved fast, with some attention on the environment to keep safe, and read a novel on my phone. Fast walking helped me breathe deeply and enhance all functions of my body, a very beneficial, easy-to-act physical exercise.

Soon I arrived at the Luckin at the end of the main street. Luckin offers 9.9-yuan coffee every day, usually once a day. However, there are also other platfroms providing similar coupons. So though I already had a Luckin coffee at noon, I got another one at the price of 9.9 yuan through meituan. I sat down on the grey sofa chair, at the round wooden table. The girl poured the light brown fluid into my thermos, and I insert into it a straw. In this bright, comfy and quiet space, with delicious hot coffee, I began to write something on my mini notebook. I was pondering what I wanted and why I wanted them. I was exploring weather these desires were true, genuine desires of mine or not. I stayed there for one and a half hours and then I headed home. I read a novel on my way there, I explored my desires in the cafe, and then I started listening to some inspiring and clarifying speeches on my way back. I kept my mind interested the whole evening. I really like the freedom of safely walking around day and night in this city.

I grinned ear to ear, amazed at a specific character, the Bking, in the novel. Bkings, in positive terms, are extremely confident, strange behavioral speaking to others, and quite funny. They don't think themselves as funny, but the readers and audiences often find them funny, hilarious and unashamed at all. Sometimes, they would just sacrifice all the comfort, just to be cool, to 装, to be the king of the Bkings. They have their pride and they are obsessed with being Bkings, being extremely cool. I have discovered some cute and funny Bkings in stories. They really behave unusually and therefore excite one's mind with something new, in a good-feeling way. However, their double-faced propensity often put lots of troubles, boulders and  thorns, on their way to true love. Um, good for them--they have to bear the result of their own doings.

Before the girl got onto the car, she said hello to a family of pilgrims. They were eating lunch at the curb, and the young man who could speak mandarin, helloed back with a big smile. Then, he just grabbed two pancakes and handed to the girl, asking her to eat. He soon became the translator between the girl and his parents. It's a long walking journey for them to come her but they were very pious believers and so it's nothing to them. The girl said goodbye to them and gave them some packs of biscuits. On and on, she has been meeting people on the trip and receiving food from the locals--they gave her naans, cheese blocks, fruits, water, etc. Obviously, her geunineness and passion of connecting with people bring to her lots of memorable experiences.

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-1-11 03:15:16 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2024-1-11 03:25 编辑

It is a sunny day. The air is fresh. The river is wide, alive, jade-like and flowing gently. Some fragrance permeates the space. The robust street accommodates cars of all kinds. People are busy. Shops along the streets have their own styles and the shop keepers like keeping them neat and beautiful. From time to time, the girl comes out of the counter, managing the tables and sweeping the floor. The cafe keeps pristine. He knows what he likes. He likes picking for himself a supportive, quiet, comfy and convenient space where his mind can be highly focused upon what he deliberately chooses, most of which are things he loves doing. He loves being accompanied by coffee and music. He gets used to what he loves, and when he has to do what he doesn't like, he may throw a fit. But immediately he remembers to make the best of where he is, which can help him move faster to what he likes again.

Instead of feeling guarded, giving fear of loss some space, he chooses to dream more, to think more about what he truly wants in his future. Live in a new house and feel more physical freedom? Yes. Let abundance flow to him with greater ease? Yes. Try more gourmet food and savor them more? Yes. Keep on reading what please him, putting a big smile on his face? Yes. Have fun with his beloved family members? Yes. Continually enjoy coffee and music every day? Yes. Quiet his mind and see weather there are some original thoughts coming up? Yes. Count blessings? Yes. Ponder about his new hopes, desires and dreams, and consider why he likes them, consider weather they are his true desires or superficial ones? Yes. Follow his interests without doubting? Yes. Clarify his priorities and spend time and energy according to them? Yes. Put him in others' shoes and open up and get new perspectives about life? Yes. Become more independent, confident, and unconditionally lighthearted? Yes. Continually enjoy the benefit of multitasking? Yes...

I am happy for the abundance in this specific family. They are a mostly happy couple. The parents get happy easily. They share same interests and they have a lot to talk. They have been, as much as they can, filling their weekends and other holidays with memorable experiences, together with their son. The live in a big house and have another one being decorated. Every adult who can drive in this family owns his/her own car and they are skillful drivers. This couple hold gentle and persistent love for their son. They can easily get truly interested in what their son is doing. They play together. They co-create with each other with happy moods. The kid naturally follows what interest him and they don't talk him out of them. Life is fun, interesting to the kid. He likes talking and sharing his stories. He is good at putting his attention upon what he loves so much so that he can easily ignore what are going out of others' mouths. He is happy, confident, persistent in chasing his dreams, robust, flexible and smart. His father is funny, adventurous, and stubborn in his own opinions which influences his son mostly in a beneficial way. His mother is often relaxed and ligthearted almost about anything. They have enough money to live their life in comfortable ways. Most importantly, they know the importance of good moods and have been managing their resources revolving this. Sometimes, they behave like a bunch of kids and the most mature one turns out to be their son...

I make better use of my mobile disc recently. I download beautiful albums and interesting documentaries into it when I am at home where the wi-fi is very fast and stable. Then I can enjoy them when I am outdoors in places where the wi-fi doesn't exist or is not that stable. I jut put into it several albums of Mamamoo, Shinee and Zhang Bichen. It's time for me to feel something new through my ears.

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-1-12 02:30:11 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2024-1-12 02:37 编辑

I keep on favoriting new albums of fan fictions. It seems that I don't have enough time to read them. But this is a good thing, not a bad thing. When my interest is still alive, I can read part of them every day with the fresh eagerness of reading new parts the next day, the next day, and the next day. I am deliberately arranging my time and energy on a lot of things I am fond of. I don't need to binge watching or reading; I can savor them in a slower, long lasting manner. I don't feel overwhelmed, because I know I ALAWAYS have enough time to continually enjoy them. And so, I really like a long list of things I like doing and then check them off one by one, forever, because there are always new items put onto it, and it's an ongoing experience, or better said, a life style. I just figured out the way of buying extra texts on a novel website. An interesting experience. For mind contents that please me, I am very willing to pay.

I was watching a vlog about life in an African slum which let me know more clearly what I prefer. I immediately counted blessings that were already present in my life, such as: clean drinking water, modern washrooms, spaciousness around me, neatness and order, fresh and healthy air, beautiful views easy-to-find by my eyes, abundant yummy food and drinks--coffee, pancakes, hand-pulled noodles, etc., abundant freedom, access to unlimited Internet resources, sitting comfortably in a wonderful physical space doing what I like, safety in walking around day and night outdoors, and so on. That being said, I would not assume I must be happier than those living there. Because states of being are personal. I can see that some of the locals are  energetic with bright eyes and seem quite happy. I often want to explore the ability of making the best of where one is. So, how would the person in that situation make the best of where he or she is? What kind of blessings would he/she count? ["The sky is crystal clear. I am breathing easily. My body efficiently adapts to where I am. I get to feed myself. I get enough food and water to provide to my body. My mind is free. I can imagine and picture anything in my mind's eye. And I notice when I do so cleverly, I can feel much better, not needing the condition to change. Things can change for the better. Yesterday I offered a favor to a person within one minute and he rewarded me with a very satisfying tip. I like this experience; I expect more of them. Recently the music that DJ in that hut plays please me very much. I like going there and enjoying the music. Soon I could buy a phone with my savings and then it would become much easier for me to find and enjoy beautiful songs. Isn't that wonderful?..."]

My mind got immediately excited as I checked one channel on bilibili. Obviously the couple just sent sugars, a lot of sugars. Whoa! My imagination couldn't catch up with what happened between them. No wonder their stories keep on going beyond the creativity of abundant writers. But then they function as strong impetuses for all the writers to go wild and come up with great, new writing ideas one after another. Can I say that this is a benign cycle? Or a wild cycle? Whatever, I felt extremely happy before sleep catching up with the unfolding.

I really like the girl in one of the KFCs. Because she is so so stable, patient, allowing, considerate. She just sustains this lighthearted attitude of welcoming and appreciating. She likes meeting and treating her customers. She has a soft, gentle voice, never getting impatient. She responds readily to every question from customers. She puts back the sandwich into a warm place seeing that the person hasn't arrive. She wants the customers to get quality food. She sees things positively and I have heard how she gently guides the conversation into a ligthearted trend instead of continual complaining. Obviously she is the model of making the best of where one is. She feels quite satisfied with where she is. Not because this place is extremely satisfying, but because she has this propensity to make everywhere she stays as pleasing as possible. Such a powerful being!


Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-1-13 02:10:30 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2024-1-13 02:16 编辑

Yesterday, I explored wheel pies in a nearby new shop and I picked two flavors--bubble tea, and matcha and red bean. Conclusion: Not so good, too sweet, not my type. And the day before, I tried chicken noodles and also not my type. Good to know more about my preferences and now at least I don't need to order the above food, while I can still enjoy fried beef noodles and beef dumplings in the Lanzhou Ramen Restaurant. I would still put sesame sauce, beef sauce, peanut butter, minced garlic and coriander into the bowl, then pour the hot soup, and enjoy almost any vegetable and meat dipped in it in a hot pot. For me, the key is always this bowl of extremely fragrant dipping sauce consisting of these specific elements.

Imagine a fox elegantly walking on a bridge, or a lane of the paddy fields. 有狐绥绥--that seems poetic. I can not directly understand what The Book of Songs is talking, but sound wise, those poems/songs do feel extremely beautiful when you read them, clearly uttering every syllable and pausing rhythmically. Then get a little deeper to try to understand them and picture them in your mind's eye, you may be immediately hooked by the imagination and/or the rounded  affections of these word formations.

Khodny Bein Edeik, a Uzbek song, got from one of 谁是阿尖's vlogs. Feeling gentle and sad, beautiful in its own way. But more beautiful, poetic and meaningful when coupled with 谁是阿尖's photos of those grand, elegant, sophisticated, fantasy-like, ancient mosques and squares in that country. 1 plus 1 is far more than 2. This is synergy.

I woke up at about 4 am with a very clear mind. No nightmare. Okay. I surrendered to this state of being happily and turned on the mini lamp on my left. I decided to ponder something on my mind until I felt sleepy again. I like making the best of my waking hours. Actually I already forget what I thought then, but I still remember that it was a satisfying thinking process. Another time to appreciate my mind and body. My mind or brains work extremely well and efficiently for me. I can interpret information and data much faster now. I often speed up the contents I am watching or listening, otherwise they would seem too slow to me. And therefore I get to do more things than before within the same time segment. I am clear about my preferences of watching, reading and listening. I want to speed up them but still fully get the desired clarity and emotions related. If it's too fast to get them or savor them, I would slow down, because still the clarity and desired feelings are more important. So I rarely speed up the music; but I almost always speed up speeches, and often movies and dramas. I believe that like how Olympic athletes train their bodies to continual extremes, I also can keep on training my mind to be more and more efficient, and more and more multi-tasking. And for now, I see this as an interesting and beneficial practice...

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-1-14 02:13:27 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2024-1-14 02:17 编辑

I tried caramel latte in the Luckin and immdiately knew that still I prefer coconut smooth latte or roasted coconut latte. No one bothers me, I was in a lovely space with my phone. I kept on reading and finished the 18th chapter. I read it when I was eating too, and it could be given the name 电子榨菜. I like exciting my mind with new stories in abundant forms and novels are one of them. I read faster or even skip a bit when the writer begins to vividly describe some parts such as fighting or one cruely  torturing the other--I'd fastfoward them knowing the general idea, but not getting into details. I could just summarize: They use the most cruel ways to hurt him. As for how, I won't read word by word. But for the funny parts, the cute parts, the beautiful--could be sad and beautiful--parts, I choose to read slowly word by word and even immediately read twice. And I'd say to myself: I like this. I like this sentence. I like this atmosphere...

He is such a beauty. How much time he has saved for these writers. When they want to depict an extremely handsome, or extremely beautiful, or extremely cute, or extremely innocent and frank, or extremely sexy, character, they just resort to him. They writer about his sculpture-like face and physique. What kind of sculptures? Greek sculptures sculped by the greatest sculptors. They write about the mole under his eye, and his obvious dimples flowering every time he smiles. They write about his slightly curly hair. They all agree that his beauty is objective, though others may not agree. As for me, I have the same feeling as they do; I often comment seeing him: Such a great face! I appreciate him because his beauty pleases my eyes, and the characters he played inspired and have been inspiring a lot of writers to create abundant amazing stories which I love dearly.

I have abundant free time to do what I like. I have already known lots of things I love dong and I'm able to do. And so I do them almost every day. I explore new music or pick among the present song lists the most resonating ones to enjoy. I sit comfortably along the river, with a water bird gliding within my vision, reading an interesting story. I feel, and observe and explore my feelings/emotions. When I look at the videos of an uploader, and get a clear conlusion: If I were her, an content creator, a channel owner, I would also like to be creative, inspired, productive and popular. I would like that my creations are loved by lots of people who genuinely appreciate and benefit by my offerings.  Just like what she has demonstrated. I like lightheartedness. I like being lighthearted. I like lighthearted atmospheres. I like seeing others as lighthearted. I notice and milk the lightheartedness in the family...

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-1-14 15:26:54 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2024-1-14 15:37 编辑

I was standing at the booth, waiting for my roasted sausage, and the flower vendor began to talk to a delivery person about economy. As soon as the conversation started, I could immediately feel my emotional change. They were talking about the facts they perceived which were absolutely true to them. But as for me, would I want to talk about economy like they do? No, not at all. My emotions let me know those words wouldn't do me any good. There are still people thriving. There are still businesses growing and expanding.  Anyway, what vision and aspects of economy do I want to focus upon? This is most important.

Remembering this, I decide to, here and now, deliberately activate the feeling of my abundance. This afternoon, I got to know one of the most impressive musical pieces for me recently--我的阿勒泰. I immediately found it on the music app and looped it. And I knew there were other versions with other instruments I could explore later on. It served as wonderful bgm when I observe the natrual beauty, when I walk fast, when I read novels and when I ponder interesting life subjects in my mind. From time to time, I may shift to The Rose's ablum--their songs have a unique vibe, a bit slow going with obvious emotions vibrating at every syllable.

I was reading a novel while eating beef dumplings at a Lanzhou Ramen Restruant. I could clearly feel the falvors of the lunch, while at the same time, my mind got hooked by what's happening in the novel. I was multitasking. Everything pleasing me, be it a snack, or a novel, or a song, is valuable to me and in most cases, I am willing to pay for them. Now I began a new journey of purchasing novels in digital forms, or send gifts to my favorite writers. Comparatively speaking, most things that please me are mind contents, digital creations, not traditional physical stuff. And that's why electornic products play an extremely important role in my life. I am a frantic story lover. I feel blessed to encounter lots of marvelous stories revolving around my favorite actors and several characters they played. I feel blessed to know so many creative, imaginative and talented writers.

I always have abundant free time to do what I like. I always have abundant delicious solitude. I am always surrounded by pleasing sounds. I am always staying in lovely physical spaces--bright, comfy, convenient and delicious. I have access to unlimited interesting, funny, informative, mind opening, beautiful, and inspiring Internet resources. Which put a big smile on my face. Which automatically write "Aha!" on my mind's screen. Which hook me to listen twice and then explore. Which relax and quiet my mind. I am always accompanied by hot fragrant coffee and resonating music. I am always amazed at the healing natural views in, over and along the river.

I have been showering more love toward myself recently. Because, I decided to. I encourage myself more instead of blaming myself. I spend less time thinking about other's thoughts and I deliberately shift my attention when certain conflict happens because directly dealing with it often makes things worse and often comes up more comlicated thought bundles. I know more clearly every day what I truly like and I try my best to fulfill them. I purposefully lessons my negative emotions toward any other becasue I want to feel good no matter what, because I want to fill myself with love instead of hate or jealousy or impatience, because I want to better use my time and energy and spend them on what I truly love doing and those negative emotions often cost me much time and energy which could have been put on other more pleasing subjects. When love is too hard to achieve, then indifference or the power/self-discipline of not giving the attention would be another wonderful choice. These attitude help me a lot. When I'm tricked to go backwards, such as thinking that I should sacrifice, or I should struggle,
I now can more quickly pull myself back, remembering that those are old, limited, not beneficial thoughts. Aftering calming down, I would even ask myself: Under this specific condition, what would going beyond mean? What would my looking forward and moving forward mean, instead of going back, or standing still? This quetion helps me open my mind and stretch my thoughts...

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-1-15 02:43:58 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2024-1-15 02:52 编辑

I like kindness. I like the open heart to care and share and uplift. I like mutual respect and appreciation. I like people doing what they truly like and they often go beyond expectations.

There are masters and uplifters in every area. They like what they do. They are good at what they do. They are born uplifers, who want to support, help, benefit and uplift other people. I like noticing them. I like meeting them. I like hearing their stories. I like being one of them.

I remembered that doctor who treated my mom. He was very considerate and insisted she stay in the hosptical and receive the surgery as soon as possible. He would operate the surgery. My stubborn mom went back home, thinking it as a non-issue. The next day, the excrutiating pain sent her to the hospital again and luckily he discovered her and immediately arranged the surgery. He was a lighthearted and confident surgeon, comforting her and told us it might last a bit longer considering the specific situation, but all was well, no need to worry. Many hours later, he came out still with this lightness, explaining that it's big stuff, and he had taken it out  through a very little cut--that's why it cost more time; it needed more carefulness and higher skills. I thanked him, while at the same time, felt strongly amazed at his mental and physical power. Standing there doing the surgery for such a long time, he still emanated this robustness and lightheartedness. Impressive! All went very well afterwards. Since then, we both remembered this responsible, confident, skillful and energetic doctor. What kind of doctors do we want to meet if we go to the hospital? Of course the ones like him.

I like remembering all these lovely people in my life. My mom loves cooking and is good at cooking and likes sharing snacks with relatives and friends. My sister treats every one with full respect and tends to stand in others' shoes and often gives other people the benefit of the doubt. She is ready to support, help and soothe. My brother is a people person, and he likes amusing
people with his unique sense of humor. He can easily make friends with his warmness and geunine heart.

I like interacting with people who love what they do now, because interaction like this would often be mutually beneficial. They may happily answer every question of mine, becasue this is what they like doing. They like offering clarity to people, they like connecting with people, they like moving toward the best solution together with the people they talk with. They provide me the most delicious food and beverages, because they fill the process of making them with their strong fondness. They love cooking. They love getting better and better at making coffee. They show me big smiles, and feel happy that more customers make this space more robust and lovely...

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-1-16 02:49:22 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2024-1-16 02:58 编辑







在网易云上整理了一张新歌单,目前在循环的歌包括:我的阿勒泰,好天气 坏天气,慢冷2024,Red Moon,你是我的风景,倒数说爱你,病变,人间天堂,头头是道,山羊,友情岁月,目不转睛,危险派对。。。。。。

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-1-17 02:56:18 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2024-1-17 03:11 编辑

Yan, this wonderful girl, this amazing travelling vlogger, has the easy-going charm to attract friends wherever she goes. In Kuching Malaysia, she met two Malaysian Chinese who willingly acted as her guide. Long time ago, I already knew that Malaysian Chinese did a good job in maintaining Chinese culture, including the languages. One of the gentlemen said Sun Zhongshan influenced them a lot by his powerful speeches and then the community tried its best to build schools and keep the culture alive on and on. "Two words to answer the how and why. Persistence. We never give up." After the inspiring conversation and some interesting stories about themselves, they took her to eat the local gourmet food like lasak--a kind of sour and spicy noodles.

As for persistence, there are certain things I persistently do every day. When I wake up, I breathe deliberately to quiet my mind as much as I can, for twenty minutes. As I am washing and brushing, I fill my mind with lighthearted, good feeling thoughts, such as something new I read online, or some new desires to focus upon in a positive manner. I often ponder upon subjects that play important roles in my life, like relationships, desired human aspects I wanna see more in my experience, etc.

I felt a bit bored and my mind seemed to want something dramatic. Gee! old habit. Let me do something to get the creative juices flow. How? Anyway can do. I remembered the importance and benefits of contrast/comparison. So I started writing: The vlogger was walking in the slum, the air smelt so bad, and the muddy earth was actully filled with human feces. Not many working opportunities for them, so a lot of girls and women there had to do what they didn't like at all to earn money. The drinking water was polluted. The huts were unbearablly hot...

These vivid scenes immeidately led me to genuinely appreciating where I were, because I decided to beforehand. Because I wanted ignite certain appreciation of my present surroundings. And then, I can more easily look forward and move forward with a more energetic mind and body:

I always stay in bright, neat, perfectly spacious, and convenient spaces with fast and stable wi-fi and quiet/gentle, pleasing sounds. I can easily get into a focused mental state. I get myself hot cofffee, and sipping coffee, I begin to do what I like on my laptop. I put on my earphones, letting beautiful songs create my desired sound background. I have access to unlimited resonating music online, especially on Netease Music Cloud app wherever I am. My mind moves fast and understands information and data efficiently while my fingers move like flying on the laptop keyboard. The air is fresh and the temperature is totally pleasurable. I wandered on a lovely novel website and got hooked by a cute story and bought the extra contents with the currency I just bought there. At the same time, there are writers so generous that they just share their whole stories without any limitation, like dropping a bomb--but an extremely delicious bomb. I could clearly feel their love for these characters and I am glad that they give them happy endings.

I like pondering upon subjects that are of great importance to me, such as relationships. I have a tendency to let go of my continual appreciation of people in my life and then let uncomfortable stuff creep in, not dealing with it immediately which often causes complicated feelings and situations. So yesterday, I spent quite some time reading and thinking about relationships. I started with easy ones. I can easily appreciate certain people and make the appreciation stronger and stronger. And I can purposefully cultivate my positive expectations of them, expecting them to be happy, powerful, independent, resilient, healthy, solution oriented, etc. I thought in my mind's eye: He is so cute, handsome, happy and funny. He is talkative and in love with sharing whatever interest him. He must have great fun with his classmates who share the same interests. He is good at imagination. He knows how to apply his mind. He is good at ignoring the nagging of the adults. He likes running around and moving around with excitement. Every day, his curiosity brings him new lovely experiences. He is busy living and loving his life that he doesn't care much about what the adults are concerned about. He stays happy and adventurous. He stubbornly focuses upon things that feel good to him...

Enough attention and thought on the subject of relationships in my nearby surroundings. There were so many others things I wanna do. I like cleverly arranging my time and energy. So, what about my body and its functions? Um, I wanna my mind to move faster in more areas. I can listen and understand faster than before. I can read and understand faster. But I want them to be faster and I wanna know where the limits are, like what those Olympic athletes do. I want to watch pictures--including motion pictures, and capture the essence and the details in a faster and faster manner... In other words, I wanna more parts of my mind and body to be able to move faster and faster. These are new attributes I wanna cultivate in my mind and body. And I can always slow down if that is the best choice here and now. Because sometimes, slowing down would make up more delicious moments...

Looking back, obviously, my mind was far away from where it started when it was remembering those scenes in the slum. I did get the creative juices flowing.

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-1-18 01:48:42 |只看该作者
Abundance, clarity, pleasing/

I know where to find cuteness, though recently I am busy with other emotions and elements. But still, I may watch one or two cute videos, usually from 胖团和胖圆 or 张踩铃. 团团, 圆圆 and 张拿铁 represent cuteness for me.

I keep on getting what I like and want every day. As I decided to manage my phone, I discovered a long album of MeloMance, a Korean group or indie folk duo, and their songs were quite different from lots of Kpop songs--they have gentle rhythms and often emanate sad and beautiful feels. I immediately put these musical pieces into the list of beautiful music worth listening. And it's a long album, more-than-three-hours long, so I can loop and savor it for some time.

Reclining on the sofa chair in the Luckin, I moved fast my fingers on the phone in the process of thinking and writing. I like this bright, comfy, neat, perfectly spacious space with hot delicious smooth latte of coconut flavor. I just finished an interview talking about weather to forgive those who have hurt you deeply. It's a very personal thing. If not forgiving could keep someone live and strive to get a little better and little better, to get stronger, to be able to love himself/herself more, then just be that, because it's much better than faking forgiveness and then being dragged down into disempowerment. Plus, when you are in fear, most of the time, it's too far a pace to talk about forgiving. In that state, the key is to use any way to find some strength back, to make the environment--mental and physical--safer and safer.  Okay, enough for this subject.

I appreciate her because she pushed some buttons and caused some emotional turmoil within me. She let me know clearly that I don't like harsh words directed at me. So at first I avoided her like a plague. I knew I could fight back and based upon the usual habits between us, it might lead to more dramatic stuff, those off-putting old tropes. Then I would feel so wronged and so right and she is so wrong and she should feel guilty--and she often did and she would try her best to sorta compensate. To break the cycle, I have to seek new ways to go about this. And for now, I choose to be very very patient about myself before I am clear about this. However, the objectives are already quite clear, though it's just too far for me to easily achieve now. But the new ways must lead to them. This is sure. I want:

We have harmony. We respect each other. We feel good when getting together. We are not imposing stuff upon the other when the other clearly shows the attitude. We are able to love and show love...

Now soothe myself:

This is temporary. Most parts of my life works extremely well for me. I get clearer and clearer about what I like and I have been fulfilling many of them every day. I have a wonderful body. I am clear-minded, flexible and energetic. I have extremely abundant free time to do what I like. I wake up in a quiet environment to meditate, to start my day with a lighthearted mood. I eat and drink what I like. I am always pick and stay in lovely physical spaces. My electronic products all work well for me. I enjoy music wherever I am. I have access to unlimited Internet resources. I have a long list of things I love doing and I do part of them every day. I read lovely novels. I explore interesting life subjects. I take long walks and feel the beauty along the river. I appreciate and savor a lot. I can easily find lovliness in other people. I meet people who are in love with what they do and that benefits me a lot. I appreciate them in abundant ways. I may favorite their creations. I may thank them directly. I fully relax my body, letting music resonate with my body, or picturing poetic scenes in my mind's eye, or thinking clearly word by word using my brains. I can patiently ponder upon a subject until new clarity comes up. I stubbornly look for and fiind more and more positive aspects of people, things and places. Things are always working out for me. Where I am is alright, because this is always a way leading me to wherever I want to be. I just need to be a little more patient toward myself and not giving up no matter what. I like deliberately looking forward and moving forward, and this is such a wonderful method to falling back into guardedness or fearing of loss...

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-1-19 01:46:48 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2024-1-19 01:53 编辑






Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-1-20 02:28:12 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2024-1-20 02:45 编辑

I like that all my packages are safe, waiting for me whenever I get home to fetch them.

I like this bright, comfortable, supportive, abundant, convenient cafe where I can fully recline on the sofa and watch a high-quality movie of 1080p on bilibili. Where I can enjoy the gentle, flowing background music/sounds, and focus my mind the way I want to be. Where I can easiy walk out and get myself an ice cream, or a cup of hot delicious coffee at Luckin. Where I wander on interesting websites and receive some mind-opening updates. Where I think and write efficiently. Where I read cute novels. Where I listen to resonating, guiding and inspiring speeches.

In my exploration, I discovered a beautiful Japanese song--クリームソーダとシャンデリア, and the attractive male voice impressed me at first hearing. The timbre is between rounded gentle and husky. Quite unique. It's a song worth looping.

Um, isn't he too quick-tempered? Indeed, he is a superb professional in his work, but he seems to easily get impatient in relationships. But this makes him a vivid, relatable character who has still been learning, growing and getting more mature. He has his reason for anger because one of his most important areas, his work, is interfered by people and accidents, which he hasn't learned how to quickly calm down and seek for solutions. So the throws a fit. He loses balance between his work and other life areas. Like him, I also get impatient easily when I am doing something with a very focused mind and someone comes to me and asks me questions, etc. We all need time to learn, grow, balance, and adopt a more mature attitude toward relationships, and life as a whole. As for me, reminding myself the importance of unconditional lighthearted and the harmony I truly want in relationships help me a lot.

I like feeling the love so many people, including a lot of talented writers, hold for them and the characters they have played. They bring out abundant love and appreciation and creativity. As an audience and reader, I feel blessed to be positively influenced by these people and their marvelous creations out of strong love. New ideas keep sprouting. Imagination flowers in all directions. What a world!

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-1-20 13:32:12 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2024-1-20 13:40 编辑






Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-1-21 03:03:54 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2024-1-21 03:29 编辑

Things are working out for me. My "lost" package was back. I appreciate the gatekeeper because he is a responsible and considerate. The girl who mailed two big boxes to my sister, impressed me with her tenderness to her belongs--every photo has a transparent plastic cover, and there are 400 photos. She is such a perfect match in terms of the way both treat their collections. I like the variety in humans' attitudes toward physical stuff, which makes up a dazzling world.

One of the most important things for me is to have abundant consecutive time to do what I like in a supportive physical space. This is my daily desire, or better said, need. Everything that hinders it may easily put me into a bad-feeling mood. And every time that happens, I would do my best, finding any way helpful, combining all usable resources, to get that back. My mind would  move fast and I make the best of where I am, and then, usually sooner than later, the pathway opens again and I get what I desire, what I see as so important in my life. Here and now, accompanied by poetic, lightly waving music, I am in a bright, comfy, convenient, perfectly spacious, lovely space, with my laptop and hot coffee, doing what I like, remembering and writing.

The second lead in Persian Lessons is an interesting character. A perfectionist which might be influenced by his past profession as a chef, or was born to be like that. Though in the army and the war might last long, he didn't give up on his desire of being a chef again, better in a more peaceful country. He had a long plan based upon his estimation of the ending time of the war and then he could live what he liked. He wanted to open a restaurant in Teheran, he needed to speak Persian and he wanted to learn from someone who was a Persian speaker now. Half or higher percentage of his heart had already flown to his future life as a chef. He didn't want to stay in the army. He was serious about fulfilling his desire and made detailed plans for it. "I can learn four words every day, then after one month, I'd know about 120 words, and after one year, about 1500 words..." He was future oriented. He reminded me of Viktor Emil Frankl, his experience, and his book. He suggested we give the life a meaning, even it's based upon the unknown future, and this would help us better live through the now, especially the hell-like now. He had noticed that when people in the concentration camp lost hope, their lives began to wither quickly and many died so.

After watching some travelling vlogs, I get to know better what I desire now. And what I already own and like very much. I am healthy. I am abundant on so many fronts. I have access to unlimited beautiful, resonating music, and infinite stories--mind opening, interesting, cute, funny, exciting, romantic, or inspiring. I live in a city, safe, beautiful, neat, fresh and lighthearted, well managed, robust, convenient, continuously improving. I have harmony with my family. I have deep connections with my siblings. I am surrounded by pleasing sounds. I enjoy hot coffee every day. I am clear-minded, flexible and energetic. My mind has unlimited potential and it can move faster and faster. I know how to feel better by deliberately managing my thought or focus or attention. I and my nephew are both good at reaping pleasure from our imagination...

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-1-22 02:52:34 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2024-1-22 03:03 编辑






Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-1-23 03:22:30 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2024-1-23 05:32 编辑

This is such a big world and most parts are still so unknown and new to me. I listened to a MV of a Turki song, where people wore traditional resplendent robes and play the traditional instruments. It must be a song about war, and both men and women showed belligerent facial expressions. From my point of view, the acting is a bit overdone and this is because of my own preferences for body languages. Sounds of some of the instruments feel refreshing to my ears, but I don't have strong emotions toward this song. No strong positive emotions like love; no strong negative emotions like disgust. They seem to like blue and white colors, and I have seen quite some white and blue in their architecture and clothes.

I have collected more natural scenes which can heal, soothe and uplift. The boundless waving grass land, with its robust beautiful horses galloping, grazing and snorting, with its fluffy sheep bleating, and with snow-white cotton-like clouds adorning its edges. The giant round, jade lake on the top of the moutain, relfecting floating clouds and waving reeds, surrounded by chirping flocks of migratory birds, white-colored; the breeze brings out gentle ripples on the surface, turning it into a crib for the clouds, reeds and birds accidently flying over...

New cute, lovely, intriguing stories pop up every day on the novel apps. It's mind-opening to see how two characters fall in love in different backgrounds with different roles they play in the society. They may work in the same system but in different departments. They may have great difference in social status. They may fall in love at first sight. They may turn to lovers from enemies. They may...

I am glad that they have great harmony with each each other. They care for each other. They willingly do things for each other. They chat happily and they share same interests. They like their work and they like meeting customers. They like interacting with everyone coming to them. He stands in his physical shoes and patiently answers his questions and fulfills his curiosity with great clarity and focus. Mutual appreciation oozes in the space. They are born to be people person and uplifters--they love understanding, believing in, encouraging, and uplifting people in their lives. They are sunny beings often with big smiles on their faces. They are persistent dreamers, never letting other people interfere with their dreams. They get into the zone, and become magicians in the sports games. They get inspired and create long lasting artworks of extreme beauty adored and loved and enjoyed by lots of people. They are pure lovers with golden hearts, spreading their contagious laughter all around. They are such gentle, warm, patient beings that people get immediately relaxed staying with them...

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-1-24 10:58:39 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2024-1-24 13:26 编辑







Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-1-25 12:44:02 |只看该作者



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