



楼主: 蓝田日暖
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家庭是个大课堂   [复制链接]

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-10-26 23:52:23 |只看该作者
Things are working out for me.

Again, I wake up naturally early this morning. I am clear-minded, fully refreshed and ready to start my day. I like having more clear-minded daytime to do what I like. I know the importance of building a good feeling start of the day, so I sit in front of my computer, quieting my mind, and begin to purposefully list things that go well for me. The first thing coming to my mind is my wellness/health and wonderful bodily conditions. I appreciate every part of my body which is working so well for me day and night. I am healthy. I am clear-minded, flexible, robust and energetic. I have abundant mental and physical energy to enjoy my time. I see clearly, hear clearly, speak clearly, move freely, walk fast and own extremely flexible hands and fingers.

I live in a wonderful house within a wonderful community within a wonderful city. This city is beautiful, alive, clean, orderly, safe, resourceful and convenient. I feel totally satisfied with where I am, with these amazing physical spaces and environments. The government diligently manages all kinds of aspects of this city. Garbage cans are cleaned up at 4 or 5 am. Roads are watered and swept every day. We have access to electricity, cleaning water, natural gas, and the Internet 24/7. I walk safely outdoors in the evening. I am welcomed by the lovely cafe during the daytime. I lie on the big bed in my room, gently moving my body to the musical rhythm...

I am interested in more and more things and I become more passionate about creating and living my life. As a music lover, I am still in love with beautiful songs every day and I attract new heart-touching music on and on. I laugh easily when watching funny contents online. I feel strong resonance. I live in strong appreciation and love. I feel joy in the laughter. I get inspired to think new thoughts and carry out new actitivities. I appreciate everyone related to these creations, from the music app staff, composers, lyricists, and singers to the director and actors of the movie Creation of the Gods.


Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-10-27 12:37:00 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2023-10-27 15:24 编辑

Appreciation and Love and Find Them Even If It Is Hard

She has her own opinions of almost everything. When she makes her mind,  no one can change her. Stubborn, persistent, she is true to herself no matter what. She doesn't blame any other for what happens in her life because a long time ago, she already chose to take full responsibility for every bit of her life. Complaint rarely comes out of her mouth; complaining is a waste of time to her.

Most of the time, she is nice, kind, friendly, allowing and loving. She values harmony among people. She is willing to help and support oftentimes. And she is not hesitate to say no to requirements or suggestions that don't feel good to her. She clearly shows her attitude by repeatedly saying "no" if that is needed. She likes discovering, acknowledging and memorizing beauty of everyone in her family. She can easily find their positive aspects and shining spots, which leads to strong appreciation in her heart.

She is a passionate liver of her life. She continually gets new things to excite her mind. She is open to all kinds of interesting facts of this world. She likes learning new knowledge, information and data about subjects that attract her attention. She is eager to get up early in the morning, happily jumping into the detail of her life. She feels blessed by so many existences on the planet earth--music, interesting stories, soothing natural scenes, mutual respect and love among people, lovely firefighters with golden hearts, etc.

She likes being solution oriented. As she deliberately relaxes, calms down, solution always comes more quickly. She has been cultivating the attitude of unconditional lightheareted, because it's both practically beneficial and extremely cool. She likes the laid-backness one can demonstrate in difficult situations which lets her know this is something she wants for herself.

She rarely feels lonely. She enjoys her solitude while also liking hanging around with people in a lighthearted mood. She knows how to make her life as fulfilling as she can. This way, she often feels blessed by so many wonderful activities which bring her pleasure on a daily basis, instead of feeling like a victim to life.

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-10-28 06:07:29 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2023-10-28 21:43 编辑








Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-10-29 03:05:13 |只看该作者
Purposefully Activate the Feeling of Happiness:

I am happy because:

I am happy because I naturally woke up with a fresh mind at 5 am. I was eager to begin my day before my computer. I took sips of drinking water, quieting my mind and then deiberately searching blessings to put on my list of appreciation. Counting blessings at the start of the day paves for me a much better feeling journey. As my fingers moved quickly on the keyboard, meaningful words poured out upon the wps document. I enjoyed the focused process of writing appreciation lists.

I am happy because I had discoverd a funny variety show featuring the movie Creation of the Gods. I laughed out loud when watching some parts, and so I kept going back to them to have a good laugh. I so admire the robust spirits those trainees owned during their training sessions. Different personalities came together and then comedies began. Hou Wenyuan contributed at least half to those hilarious scenes. His confidence is on another level.

I am happy because I collect new ways to keep my mind clear, fresh and interested. I don't need to depend upon outside objects to do so, because I can think thoughts, create motion pictures in my mind's eye to enhance the clear state of my mind. I am good at imagining or visualizing or scripting interesting scenes just for the pleasure they bring to me.

I am happy because I live in a wonderful, safe, beautiful, alive, neat, resourceful, convnient city/community/house. I like the living conditions here. I like taking long evening walks outdoors. I like enjoying my time in the lovely cafe. I like lying on the bed, letting my relaxed body resonating with the musical rhythem. I get to savor food and drinks every day. I have access to unlimitd Internet resources indoors and outdoors. I am supported by environments with pleasing sounds or quietness.

I am happy because I am healthy. My body works extremely well for me. My body can easily let go of any medication in positive ways and it did. Every part of my body, including every organ, keeps robust and energetic. I get to do all kinds of moves with my flexible and firm body. I breathe easily. I see, hear and speak clearly. My teeth cut, bite, chew and grind food efficiently for me. My throat is wide enough to let all food and drinks smoothly in. My heart automatically beats and pumps.

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-11-1 02:40:26 |只看该作者




Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-11-3 08:50:22 |只看该作者
What? ! Finally I looked at the date of the writing, which was five months ago, and so, the possibility of my reading the next chapter was miserably low. I regretted not noticing the date and now I was hung at the cliff, desperately wanting to know what would happen to them.

As I was walking outdoors at the same day, I remembered one important thing, which was: Actually I knew some of the scenes I would love to see happening to them. Some of my preferences were easy to figure out and my imagination could already picture certain scenarios about them which would definitely please myself. I actually don't need to wait for the feeding from the outside though it's always so easy and quick to read or watch already present works others have presented. Follwing this train of thought, I quickly created several amazingly-pleasing-to-myself scenes in my mind's eye about two of my favorite characters. I became the director and I was the scriptwriter selfishly writing storyline that fully satisfied myself. So, naturally the disappointment about that fan fiction dissipated.

Sometimes, being frank about what I truly want/desire/prefer is not that easy, but it's so worthwhile to at least let myself be honest with them. So many things we think we don't like and would never like actually could be pleasing if our present conditions are different. But when we don't believe in the change of these conditions, all of the following new possibilities, new desires and preferences cannot be shown to us clearly, or more accurately said, cannot be acknowledged by us.


Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-11-5 01:31:28 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2023-11-5 01:37 编辑



Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-11-6 05:41:54 |只看该作者




Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-11-7 01:06:03 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2023-11-7 01:15 编辑

Abundance coming from interesting channels.

I liked spending time in Costa Coffee and then I found that JD Plus offered a daily 50% discount for all Costa coffee and so for about two months, I bought fresh iced American coffee almost daily at Costa with a much cheaper price. Other than this, I could often got satisfying discounts on variouds products because of JD Plus.

Bank apps ofen offer bonuses such as money can be used on Wechat or Alipay, or coupons when I pay my phone bills.le,  For example, Bank of China allowed me to buy the monthly vip of Netease Cloud Music app with a 50% discount and further more, it asked me whether I wanted to buy a 7-day vip with a cent which I immediately said "yes."

I am not an avid bargain hunter, but when I meet wonderful bargains, I always feel happy. By simple visit or clicks on certain apps like bank apps, I have gained many free gifts like snail rice noodles, the monthly vip of some music app with abundant sound effects to choose, ice cream and fried drumsticks at Burger King, and 88.88-yuan Wechat red packet letting me to buy stuff on shopping sites, etc. Also, it's extremely easy for me to find bargains on meituan app like quality cakes and Luckin coffee wich much cheaper prices.


Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-11-9 00:43:51 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2023-11-9 01:48 编辑

My abundance:

Sitting comfortably in the cafe, sipping coffee and watching a short video, I can't help grinning ear to ear. They were so happy shooting for a magazine, the left one tilted his head, looked down and then an impulse visited him, pushing him to grab his colleague's wrist. Seconds later, he realized something and decided to loosen his hand, when the right one, his colleague, though not turning around his head at all, started moving his hand, fully stretching all his fingers, and then boom! chased and locked the other's hand. Now they were holding hands with their fingers intertwined at the beautiful beach, with a flowering smile on their face.

I am a story lover. My interest in stories has been increasing. I began to watch again the documentary On The Road. I followed the couple's trip to La Paz in Bolivia. I was immeidately attracted to their traditional clothing, especially the long skirts women wore. They were layered and usually bright colored. Though, women who wore them might still be discriminated, these girls were stubbborn and persistent in wearing what they thought as beautiful and meaningful. Good for them! During this trip, this couple made friends with a jolly girl, a passionate wrestler, who was fully devoted to her fight till the moment when she lost all her energy to get up. She and her counterpart both accepted that this was the spirit they wanted to show to all the audience. For some people, in order to express their passion, they are willing to risk their lives. They would rather live passionately in danger. They are adventurers. I respect them from the bottom of my heart.

I was inspired to de-clutter my closets and clean up the bedroom. I put all the clothes I knew I would not wear in future into a big plastic bag. I folded the remaining clothing and arranged them orderly in the closets. Good, I have more than enough clothing to wear around. Then I began to manage the shelf and  re-counted the products I had owned now. I happily acknowledged that I still had more than enough skin products to use, and most of them were branded products given to me by my dear sister. I continually have abundant electronic products, including many pairs of earphones/headphones and several backup blue tooth mouses......

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-11-10 02:38:21 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2023-11-10 02:50 编辑


对衣服断舍离很容易。至于看似多余的电子产品,我基本没丢,因为功能都还正常,可以放入Plan B里。书架上的纸质书,若真要处理起来,应该算是大工程了,因为是敞开式书架,平时又不除灰,一本本的基本都灰头土脸了。八九成是可以直接丢掉或卖掉的,但涉及到书,这么做总归有那么一丢丢愧疚感,觉得太轻视它们了,所以一直懒得动。很少看是因为从很早开始,我就习惯在电脑上看电子书了。




Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-11-11 01:44:58 |只看该作者

Someone is talking in the room, but here and now, words coming from her mouth are of no interest to me. I know how to focus my mind the way I like. My attention starts coming back, first upon my breath and then my deliberate thinking process. I remember the beautiful scenes I watched on a documentary this morning. I see in my mind's eye, girls and boys, wearing traditional clothes and happily riding horses on the spcious grassland. I notice their big smiles. I appreciate their free spirit. The robust, handsome, brown horse is drinking water from the puddle with his tail waving left and right...

I sit comfortably before my laptop. I open netease could music app, pondering a bit, and then make a song list that can please me for several days. I get onto a website where I start watching two cute and lovely videos of two of my favorite characters. I open wps word, flow words out exploring my desires based upon what I watched yesterday. I list as follows: I like living in a safe, neat, comfy, alive, thriving place. I like supportive environments where we can deliberately focus upon what we like without any worry. I like fresh air to breathe in and cleaning water to drink and nourish my body. I like freedom of all sorts. I like mutual respect among people. I like peace...

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-11-15 02:31:36 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2023-11-15 03:06 编辑

Make the best of where I am

If I want to go to the Luckin at the end of the main street in this city, I would take with me a thin notebook, two fountain pens--one black, and the other red, and a portable charger so that I can use my smartphone without any worry. I put them into my brown satchel bag and then happily begin my evening walk. With different objects, heading different physical spaces. In some cafes, I use my laptop, so I pack up much more stuff, while in places I stay for a shorter while, I mainly depend upon my smartphone. That Luckin is bright, neat, comfy with sofa chairs and round tables where I can lightheartedly spend one or two hours, but it doesn't offer any sockets, and therefore I take with me a portale charger in order to use my smartphone as long as I want to be. Now that electricity is still the only energy source of these electronic products, I also like using a mini power strip to charge as many electronic products as I can. With it, I can charge my laptop, smartphone and headphones at the same time.

There are alway a pair of earphones at my hand so that I can immediately create a desired sound environment for myself. I am clear about what kind of sounds and conversations I prefer, and so the moment when people around me begin to shout at each other or complain endlessly, I often make the decision real quick, putting on my earphones to play and enjoy music. Music, supported by my smartphone, NetEase CouldMusic app and blue tooth earphones, pulls me into a very different world, a world of beauty.

Most of the images, sounds, stories, and knowledge, information and data, and functional software, I get in touch with and immerse myself in, are applied on my computer, laptop, pad or smartphone. In this sense, I greatly benefit from a bridge like baidu netdisk software/app. I use it a lot. I get wonderful resources from it and directly store it there or download into my other spaces. I directly watch, listen and read contents on it. For diary I write daily on different terminals, its synchronizing function helps a lot. I like it very much, and know very clearly I would continually use it, or other apps like it, so during this 11.11 shopping festival, I bought its one-year vip with a much cheaper price.


Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-11-16 01:56:49 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2023-11-16 02:17 编辑

I was reading a fan fiction, and my thought and emotion let me know which parts deeply touched me and which parts raised confusion in my head. Thoughts going from left to right in my mind's screen clearly said, "Hey! This sentence is so impressive and attractive, though it doesn't seem logical." However, that's the beauty of writing and reading, because I have the freedom to let go of all logic and facts, and choose to just savor directly the sensations certain word combination showering upon me. I read again that sentence, telling myself: Yes, I just like it, direclty, immediately. It triggered a unique atmosphere within my heart. Anything oozing a unique, good-feeling or impressive aura, for me, is something worth emphasizing and someitmes exploring.

LDF is a complicated character. He is cruel, seeing almost everyone as his tool to fulfill his desires. He is devoted, single-minded, and talented in things he made his mind about. He did LIKE playing his Huobusi, and singing poetically to the rhythm. In a sense, he is a musician. He gets soothed and calms down in music, but as anything coming up to get in his way of achieving his desires, he would immediately turn into a furious beast from an artist. Killing is his daily life. His obssession with his objectives--for him, his dreams--is intimidating, because he is like a dog with a bone, not wavering and good at using everything to manifest his desires. He is a villain because his desires hurt a lot of others. If his desires are altruistic, he would the brave hero...

I would like to be a stubborn pursuer of my dreams and to become this, I choose to not give a rip about what any other thinks of me. I choose to not be negatively influenced by others' attitudes. This preparation helps a lot; it lets me waste as less time as possible on trivial, or meaningless things. It guides me well in my daily life. I especially like picturing the basketball players in the away team, "welcomed" by loud boos and hisses, powerfully getting in the zone and still winning the game. This kind of state of being is really worth training.

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-11-18 02:14:45 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2023-11-18 15:36 编辑

What happened? I looked at him, so unhappy and angry, stomping the ground. He just opened a blind box, only to get a fountain pen not to his liking at all, though in my eyes, I saw no difference between this pen and the pen he had last week. My My first reaction was: How did he get so furious about such a trivial thing? Then I immediately remembered that as soon as certain music played loud around me, I would immediately go away or put on my earphones--I just couldn't stand certain kind of sounds which would easily drag me into impatience and anger. It could be also seen as trivial by other people, so just respect our uniqueness.

I let go of my own opinions, holding his hand, and asked him, "Why? It didn't look good to you, so what kind of pens you wanted to get?" He began to vividly depict to me what a unique, beautiful, creative fountain pen should look like--obviously he had very sure-footed preferences about the pen. Good for him. I nodded and soothed him, wanting him to know that finally he would get it or them if he didn't give up. Or who knows, after a while, he may lose the interest.

As a kid who, most of the time, still naturally seek his happiness, he soon found other reasons to feel good again. While, for me, I made my mind to encourage him as much as I can to respect his desires and purposefully explore his desires and know why he wants them. Why do we want them? This is one of the most important questions we can ask of ourselves. Getting good at knowing what he desires/prefers/dreams, and cultivating his belief in the fulfillment of his true desires is the key for his living happily after. When he described the details of his likes, his eyes brightened, his mood got better, and he owned more clarity of who he really is, not what others identify him as.

I was interested in what he was interested in, so I asked him about that. He was quite frank, saying he was interested in the basketball classes and the calligraphy classes, but as for the exhibition he attended in the museum yesterday, his direct comment was "Boring." I knew what's extremely exciting to him, a game that he played two months ago and every day he was still savoring in his mind's eye. Such difference! Such a passion! There must be a lot of attractive elements within that game for him.


Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-11-19 02:38:06 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2023-11-19 09:40 编辑




很有趣的《德雷尔一家》。双十一期间买了一年的百度云盘会员,赠送了三个月的b站大会员,随意点开一集《老友记》,发现情景喜剧此刻不是我的菜,看着看着就会分神,不是太感兴趣。眼睛瞟向往网站右侧,发现《德雷尔一家》看的人也挺多,一季只有六集,基本就是英剧了,说不定可以看看。观剧的兴趣总是一阵一阵的,在某一刻就会觉得爱情剧很腻味,转而去看其他没有多少爱情元素的, 说不定就去看了压抑的霸凌复仇题材。说回《德雷尔一家》,此剧聚焦的是一个家庭--母亲和四个子女,第一集他们就困境重重,从英国搬离,前往语言不通的某希腊岛。性格迥异的一家子相互碰撞,各自stay in character,就有了许多符合逻辑且有趣的场景。为了省钱他们在岛上艰难行走时,遇到了一位开汽车的当地人,他不仅会英语,还热情地给他们找了房子,请了保姆,特别积极地为他们讨价还价。和本地人讲价时,不同于对他们的好声好气,他的嗓门会一下升高,说话就像吵架一样。这不禁让我好奇他的动机。为什么呢?为什么他要做这些呢?是助人为乐精神使然,尤其是这一大家子人人生地不熟的?还是另有所图呢?带着疑问,我继续看下去。原来女主人和我有一样的疑问,一段时间的相处后,她直接问出了这个问题,他的回答是前者,看他们初来乍到不容易,他希望给他们这些陌生人一些温暖和帮助。。。。。。

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-11-21 01:36:34 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2023-11-21 01:40 编辑

Looking at the title of the songlist, I got interested: How would these songs emit sensual feelings or feel sexy? The first song was alright, but the second song had little to do with the described atmosphere--in my book, the title and the content didn't match.

Atmospheres are so interesting; everybody has his/her own perspectives about them. I am now exploring the atmospheres of music, and this time, focusing upon a list consisting of retro songs. The most interesting part is that I don't need to dig deep and ask myself what is retro music, because I immediately get it. These songs do bring me to the past in a complicated manner. They are beautiful, vintage, and also a bit nostalgically sad. I like them; this time, the title/the atmosphere and the actual songs match perfectly.


Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-11-21 13:51:21 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2023-11-22 11:34 编辑

I like...

I like holding onto my perspectives of things. I am -surefooted about what I desire, so I don't waver when others persuade me. It's easy for me to say "no" to others. This is also beneficial to them, because either they don't mind at all, or they get a precious chance to be unconditionally stable, not depending upon others' "yes."

I am glad that I've already developed an attitude toward things that I need to do though I don't like it very much. I see it as temporary. I don't push against it at all. I make the best of it. I may use it as an opportunity to learn something new that may be helpful in my future. But I never buy into others' words, "You'd better do this, because you have to do this in your future." I don't think so; who decides that I have to do it in my future? Or, sometimes, I just go through the motion while my mind is wandering elsewhere. I give it as less attention as possible now that I am not fond of it, knowing it shall pass soon. This also works very well for me.

I feel blessed by beauty of abundant kinds. My eyes feast on natural scenes, on the shining lamps surrounding the trees, and on the interaction between the waving river and the falling sun. My ears enjoy, EVERY DAY, beautiful music oozing unqiue feelings and now I am listening to romantic R&B. When I watch costume dramas, I am so attracted to the architecture and the dresses those women and men wore on different scenes. I pay attention to ornaments on their hats and I notice how different characters, naturally, have different dressing styles. I see beauty in the design of characters in movies and dramas. Meaning, they were really purposefully thougt over with a lot of detail, nuances and subtleties. They are not at all random.

I am glad that he is a happy kid. He is still free to think and imagine, and get pleasure from his imagination. I am glad that he has the ability to ignore what is happening around him and reap satisfaction from his own thoughts. He can get happy easily. He is clear about his preferences, likes and dislikes. He keeps learning how to be as happy as he can in different life situations. He is healthy, robust, easy to laugh, and full of interests and hobbies. He is loved, supported, guided and inspired. He is powerful...

I am clear-minded. My mind now can easily focus upon what I choose. I choose to watch drama Medici: Master of Florence. When I watch, I get into the ancient Europe, walking on those stone alleys while taking a look at the elegantly colored churches from time to time. I am fascinated by what they wear, including how men wear, looking complicated in both design and color combination. Then, story goes back and froth between the past and the present, revolving around Cosimo--a young man previously wanting to be an artist but had to become a banker as the next leader of the family. Obviously, his father is a master of PUA, with all those big plans and the intentioned lasting honor of the family. Though, to him, he truly believes in what he imparts to his son, seeing them as the most important things in the world, and all other stuff, including his son's dreams and romance must take a back seat. I feel sorry for Cosimo who had to give up his artistic dreams and marry someone he doesn't know at all. Most parents msut be like his parents back then; and to pursue their dreams, the next generations must be selfish and independent enough to break through the old pattern. Thank God, I was not living in that kind of parent-kid mode...

I am interested in exploring ocean-like traits of abundant human characters. I am interested in noticing the sameness or differnece between my opinions and their perspectives. For some opinions, though they seem very logical, understandable, and meaningful, I just couldn't absorb as mine, because I have no way to cultivate any interest in them. It's just not my thing. While for some, I would immediately see as horrid, something I don't like at all and I would not like to encounter at all...

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-11-23 15:54:56 |只看该作者




Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2023-11-24 03:20:56 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2023-11-24 07:15 编辑

Count my blessings

I have great freedom in time and physical spaces I choose to stay. I like sitting comfortably on the sofa chair in the cafe, fully supported in this perfectly spacious environment, bright and convenient, with access to unlimited Internet resources. I put on my earphones, letting beautiful music please my ears and resonate with my body; hot fresh American coffee at my hand, I sip it from time to time. Most of the days are sunny here, my favorite weather, while I still enjoy the rainy days which visit us at times. I often take walks in the open air with the blue sky and lush trees along the streets. I observe willow leaves dangling, reeds waving and water birds playing around, at the riverside. Though living in the city, I still get to enjoy the aliveness of the nature. I arrange my activities and pick what I like doing now, now, now and now. I savor marvelous musical pieces. I watch movies, dramas, documentaries and cute short videos of HD or UDH or 4k. I search information, data and facts that interest my mind here and now, such as ethnic cultures and knowledge about hanfu. I quiet my mind and clarify my present likes and dislikes which give me very beneficial guidance in my following days. I explore abundant mind-opening life subjects. I purposefully think and write...

People are satisfied with what they do. They may even feel passionate about what they do. They show smiles to people in front of them. Wonderful interactions happen among us. My mom is a willing cook. She likes cooking and making snacks. She rarely complains aobut cooking for us. My father likes taking care of the house. He likes making it clean and orderly. Girls in the cafe enjoy being the baristas and they share lighthearted chats with each other. They respect and appreciate the customers and they get respected and kindly talked to. I like hanging around with him. I observe his emotions but not taking them too seriously. I hold his hand and guide him to become clearer about his likes and dislikes, explore them a bit and encourage him to be more emotionally responsible. I focus upon her positive aspects and shining spots. She is independent. She can travel around in the world, knowing how to use limited words to connect with the locals. She is eager to learn foreign languages before she goes to new places. She is so patient in de-cluttering the house. She likes making her books, magazines and mangas immaculate. She would carefully cover her books with jackets. She is nice, kind, loving and softly speaking. She cares about the wellbeing of people, especially the poor. She is open, candid, and proud of what she likes. She is a gastronome, taking great satisfation from eating gourmet food. He is funny. He is more adventurous than people of his age. He keeps on doing his best to provide as many life experiences as possible for his son. He helps open the boy's mind and vision. For what he desires, he becomes more emotionally stable and patient. He has a soft and loving heart. He enjoys life and has a lot of interests and hobbies. He is a people person, treating people kindly and nicely with great love. He is loved and appreciated by many. He enjoys togetherness with other people.

She is beautiful. She can easily get happy and find things to feel good about. She is a loving mother and interacts with her boy like a friend. She is interested in a lot of things. She is a muisc lover; she likes watching basketball games. She is patient, and able to carry out complicated things step by step which need great patience. She is genuine and supportive. She is independent...
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