



楼主: 蓝田日暖
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家庭是个大课堂   [复制链接]

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-1-28 14:19:59 |显示全部楼层
Unconditional Lightheartedness

A thing bothered me, and I felt bad. A wonderful chance for me to practice unconditional lighthearthedness.

Every moment, I am focused upon something, which would absolute cause certain emotion within me. So it's important to ask me: What I am focused upon now? Does this focus feel good or not? Feel a little better than the previous focus or a little worse, or about the same?

I focus upon my breath. I am easily breahing in and out now. I feel comfortable from head to toe, no pain, no sourness, no discomfort at all. After the breakfast, I make myself a cup of hot coffee. I pour it into my green-and-white thermos to keep it hot.

I sit before my computer and the AOC screen offers me vivid and high quality vision, and so I enjoy watching movies or dramas on it. I recline on the chair, open Netease Clous Music software and start playing R&B songs with my eyes closed. I deliberately, purposefuly ask myself to create some healing and soothing pictures in my mind's eye. And music helps this practice. I see two white and grey waterbirds gliding over the spacious river. The dark-green, waving, alive river loved by people and cute creatures. A fisherman is sleeping in his camoufalge tent while his girl friends sits on the camping chair, playing on her phone and glancing at the fishing rods. A man with glasses enjoys his green tea and melon seeds, facing the long and wide robust river. Tall trees with lush heart leaves welcome who walk under. My skin is warmed by the afternoon sunlight...

I open my eyes, take a sip of the coffee, and wander leisurely on the Internet. One thing leads to another. I listened to a new audio drama and got interested in the novle which it was adapted from. I easily find it and get my mind hooked. Reading stories is different from listening to audio stores, and both are wonderful experiences. In the reading, I again identify loveliness of abundant kinds in characters and their interactions. I like emotional stability, independence, solution orientation, wisdom of self help, kindness, gentleness, patience, allowance, holding the vision persistently, passion, persuing dreams stubbornly, not giving a rip about what any other thinks, tenderness, unhinged confidence, laid-backness, not sweating the small stuff, always looking forward and moving forward and not resting on one's laurels, frankness instead of guardeness or defensiveness, beliving in others' bright future and unlimited potential, humor, love for self and family, etc.

I appreciate myself for continually appreciating people in my life and so now it beomes quite easy for me to feel good when I think of them like my family members. He, this cute, handsome, curious and passionate kid, just had a cool haircut. He is so loved by his parents. He and his father has fun often under abundant conditions. They together piece together legos. His father answers patiently his questions out of curiosity and supports him in sports he is truly interested in. He naturally follows what interests him. He happily shares with people what he loves. He talks nonstop with bright eyes. He has a fast mind and he knows how to please himself with his original imagination. He is a powerful being. Both my parents like harmony. And they have harmony most of the time. They support each other. They are willing to do a lot of things for each others. They share some same interests and they can chat in happiness. They are loving parents and grandparents. They can demonstrate unparalleled patience in taking care of kids. They have their shared and respective friend circles. Sometimes, they are independent emotionally and physically. They are busy with their own acitivities. They have things they enjoy on their own. My mom would sing on a mic at home with no audience and enjoys it. She would spend a large quantity of time making sauce and snacks because she likes it. She likes sending out self-made snacks to relatives and friends...

I always have abundant free time to do what I love. I always put myself in a bright, comfy, convenient, perfectly spacious space. I know what play extremely important roles in my life. I try my best to have them in my life, but I continually hold the hope when they are not yet in my life. I would never live without music. Music is part of my life, as well as stories...

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-1-29 02:28:19 |显示全部楼层
I had dreams of mixed feelings last night, which let me know more clearly what I desire and what I should do to myself.

Everybody is unique. My life experience led me to my unique path, hopes, desires and dreams. In most cases, comparison wouldn't do any good to me now, thought in a few cases, it helps me clarify what I newly desire NOW. My power is now, not in the past. I have been moving in the direction of what I desire, slow or quick, I have been doing what I myself choose to do. I make my own decisions. I hold onto my clarity and vision. I make the best of where I am, and keep on enjoying my journey to my dreams. This way, both the journey and the result are satisfying to me. I like the feeling of love. And in relationships, I have been cultivating all along my appreciation of people, especially my family and friends. And it works very well for me. When I think of them, often I feel good, I smile. I try my best to do what I like almost all the time. When I have to do what I don't like, I make peace and remind myself again and again it's temporary and I will get what I desire. I ponder upon and set my priorities on things I do now and on my finances. I like living a comfortable, satisfying and pleasing life, thought sometimes drama helps me too.

I like counting my blessings. I notice that I always walk fast without any tiredness. I can easily be soothed and pleased by natural beauty. I like obversing the river and its inhabitants and its lovers. I like the ancient-style waterside pavilion with its brass bells hanging from the flying eaves. I like the puppy buddies sniffing around and leading their master. I like the soft, sleek, fully reeds raising their heads above the stone railings. I like the morning, noon and afternoon sunlight on a cold winter day, shining upon my skin and warming me up. I like the water bird perching on the end of the small fishing boat, grooming its feathers. I notice that the music I am playing is a perfect match to the scenes my eyes are observing along the river. I know how to use my imagination about nature to feel good now. I can look at the brown horses galloping on the unlimited grassland, while a flock of fluffy sheep bleating. White, pink and purple flowers on their slender stems are slightly dancing in the wind, facing the sun. I feel blessed to easily fill my sense perceptions with lush beauty.

I like desired abundance flow to me easily and accompany me on and on. I am healthy. I am clear-minded, flexible and energetic. Actually, every part of my body works well for me. I do what I like with great freedom, always in bright, comfy, convenient physical spaces. I own consecutive free time to do what I like in a very focused manner. My ears, mind and body enjoy beautiful songs every day. I live fully my life and deliberately open myself up more and more by observing what is happening in my life. I have been replacing old, limited thoughts with new more beneficial thoughts in my belief system...

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-1-30 03:12:03 |显示全部楼层
This morning I ate an ear of corn, sweet. Last evening, I got myself a bag of salty dried bean curd and spicy biscuits. As usual, I put a cup of hot coffee on the left side of the table. I sat comfortbly on the chair, exploring a story. There was nothing strong going on in my emotional world: I understood the characters. An upright, caring gentleman with clear intentions. A cute girl who just embarked on the journey of getting a lead role in a TV series. It's a very popular drama, but it seemed not my type, or it was not for the present me.

I washed and blow-dried my hair deliberately in a mindful state. My mind was not busy thinking. I slowly and gently treated my hair until it was totally dry and smooth. I continually have the satisfying hair quantity--old hair leaves while new hair keeps on growing. It's such a good balance. I then put my feet in warm water and massage them a bit before I went to bed. For a long time, I rarely thought about body related things like eating, drinking and excercising. I do it as I like. I eat and drink what I like. I may go out walking or not. But still, my amazing body works so well for me from head to toe, every day. It recovers quickly from any discomfort. What pleases me most is that some parts are getting better and better at perceiving information fast. My ears hear and understand faster and faster. My eyes read and understand faster and faster.

When the audio stories come out from the phone, loud, I know immediately this would not be the desired sound environment for me. I can say: Please turn it down. It may work or not. It may make the other uncomfortable. Or I can leave and find a better sound environment for myself if I can. And I can and I choose the latter. The more I know aobut myself and my preferences, the quicker I can notice whether it's a good idea for me to stay where I am or continue the thing I am doing now. I don't need to wait for others to change. I don't drag it too long until something unhappier happens. So when I have the choice, I choose the most pleasing sound environment where my mind can more easily.

Never would I feel so sure that I prefer certain sound elements when some very uncomfortable sounds circle my ears. Then I may acknowledge that: I prefer quietness. I prefer gentle music on the background. I prefer light conversations of strangers. In a word, I prefer a sound environment where I can easily focus upon what I choose as I like. My mind is not bothered by the sounds. My emotional world is not disturbed by the sounds.

I like opening up my mind and exploring new thoughts. I like pondering upon new thoughts and considering turning them into my new beneficial beliefs. I like making the best of where I am. I like being honest with myself, with my present abilities and with things I may not be able to do though I want to. I like soothing myself in any way I can when I feel discouraged. I like quieting my mind by focusing upon my breathing. I like purifying my mind with beautiful songs. I like sipping coffee and reading an interesting novel. I like watching cute, lovely videos and smiling a big smile. I like imagining poetic natural scenes in my mind's eye. I like appreciating and focusing upon positive aspects of people. I like living my life with great ease. I like noticing the neatness, comfort, convenience, safety and spaciousness of this city, this community, this cafe and this house. I like...

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-1-31 12:18:36 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2024-1-31 12:31 编辑

He came with two black lines on his face, I was a bit worried and his father said it's the trace of sweat--he just finished his basketball class.

He dragged me to the corner and began to talk to me. At first, I didn't know what he was talking. He said it's about game.

"A new game? What's the name?" I asked.

"The same game, but I arrived at the new level."

"Okay! What happened?" I looked at him, curiously.

How interesting as soon as we got together, he would jump into the conversation of game. I know why. He wants to share his passion with people around him, and I, sure, am the one who demonstrates great interest, though I don't know the details of the game. Actually, I never got interested in any of those so-called big or popular games. However, I easily understand the attraction and positive aspects of games. I even can add my opinions and discuss with him about the creativity and cool images within the game. And he would nod and tell me which parts he sees as original and imaginative.

When he talks incessantly with such bright eyes, one thing I am sure, he has been building positive momentum of things he loves, and I am so willing to be the curious and patient listener. Just knowing that this conversation makes longer his happiness, I feel very happy too.

He is such a wonderful, amazing focuser of what he loves. He keeps on following what interests him. He naturally acts upon his passions. He is imaginative and creative. He is able to easily let go of people's nagging and still focuses upon what he chooses now. He naturally likes talking about what he loves, likes, gets interested, and excites his mind. We feel blessed to have this happy handsome boy in our lives.

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-2-2 10:26:13 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2024-2-2 10:35 编辑

突然想起小时候的一些趣事,经常会在网上看到人说自己是dog people,谁谁是cat people。自从我家的狗走了以后,我们几个小孩对养动物就都没了兴趣,因为害怕失去,害怕面对离别的痛苦。慢慢的,对狗也谈不上有多喜欢了。但硬是要说的话,那我还是属于dog people吧。后来家里没再养狗,却多了只猫,我硬是没有生出多少感情,一方面是我在外面上学回家很少,另一方面,额,在本身没有感情的基础上,她也不需要我喂,而且超级独立自由,进进出出,见面就不多,连被动培养感情的机会都没多少。




Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-2-5 11:24:41 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2024-2-7 02:12 编辑







Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-2-7 02:35:36 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2024-2-7 03:19 编辑

He is changing the diaper for his daughter, while his son is eating something spicy. This cute, happy boy becomes red on his face, not thinking about taking a sip of water on his right side, but continue his eating. How interesting! I would eat a little spicy food, but as soon as it causes certain physical sensations, I would stop, I don't feel the food tasty anymore. Actually, I can live my life without any chillies. However, there are people like him, who loves spicy food with a face full of sweat, even jumping around because of the stimulation. What variety in the world of eating and drinking! I always prefer very hot beverages in the winter, while my friend sees warm water as too hot which needs to cool down.

His wife comes after the meal with her colleagues, and then he begins to search on his phone, "How about going to the shop; I see that coat is available again and we can buy it for our son." Their son doesn't care much about clothes, let alone fashion, but they do. They want him to look handsome and cool.

I walked outdoors to buy coffee at night. The speech I listened reminded me the importance of deliberate focus based upon emotions. It's about comparison: revenge feels better than depression; neutral state feels better than complaints; calmness feels better or is similar to netural state. And looking back, for a long period of time, I stayed in a place less than interest and more than blame/complaint, by watching dramas. I kept on watching, filling my mind with the stories, though I was not attracted to the plot, I didn't feel obvious interest. I was just killing time that way. Which turned out very beneficial for me, because I was not invested in any worrisome thoughts, though there were many reasons for me to do so. From there, I got to embark on the journey of feeling more and more interested in different aspects of life, including stories. And now, I am extremely interested in abundant kinds of stories in the form of movies, dramas, documentaries, travelling vlogs, gourmet food vlogs, novels, and programs of specific genres.

Feeling better is important for me and for my beloved ones. So when he was complaining about somebody, instead of saying that you shouldn't, or thinking that it's not a good thing for him to complain, I was pondering: Who knows? Maybe he just got to this state from strong anger, actually he was deliberately or naturally feeling better this way, and by venting like this, it would become easier for him to get back to calmness. And thent to other better feeling states where he can see the world with a more positive, allowing, loving attitude. Maybe a short while later, he would discover the loveliness again in the people he previously blamed, like what had happened many times before...

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-2-9 07:58:43 |显示全部楼层








Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-2-14 11:29:06 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2024-2-14 11:33 编辑







Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-2-15 11:16:35 |显示全部楼层
Good that we live near the shopping mall where there are a lot of bakeries, restaurants and facilities for children. She stood at the claw machine, while I got 20 coins. She figured out how to successfully play by herself and got two cute toys. Then we went to the KFC, picked what we wanted to eat: I drank coffee, ate a piece of chicken toast, and she enjoyed strawberry ice cream and popcorn chicken. A short while later, we went again to the claw machine and with the help of the lovely shopkeeper, my niece got her favorite, heart-shaped cushion. The next day, I took her to the Costa Coffee and bought two pieces of cake for her. One was strawberry flavored and the other was tiramisu. In the cafe, we met an extremely cute girl who was five years old, and they had happy conversations with each other. And the girl automatically came to me and put a piece of chewing gum on my table. This girl is so loved by her mom and always she wears beautiful clothes sometimes hanfu. I like seeing her.

I just bought a one-month vip of iqiyi so that I can watch 南来北往 with flying comments. I enjoyed this TV series specially for its lighthearted and often funny conversations. And I also loved its vivid, nolstalgic settings. And I appreciate that the main lead is someone who can see the hardship often through a lighthearted lens. And he just doesn't give up his dreams.

He might had a quarrel with one of his family members. When my parents talked about this in a worrisome tone, I didn't feel any of that. Because I see that as part of the life: Quarrelling can happen and sometimes they are not a bad thing. And they are not the end. I had big fights with my parents too and then later on, we always went back to harmony. I couldn't say that we won't quarrel in the future, I accept that if that has to happen, but I don't see that as an end whatever--my strong intention would always bring me back to appreciating them again and again. There are always ways for us to understand, let go and make peace again. This is life, especially when we show our emotions directly, that the quarrel is almost inevitable. I have noticed that I do become more and more allowing and strongly wanting to believe in/trust the bright future of my beloved ones no matter what. Why? Other wise, I suffer. Without belief in the wellbeing of my beloved ones, thinking that they are doomed to suffer, or that what they have done would only lead them to a worse and worse journey, I must suffer, I couldn't feel good. So I have been cultivating positive attitudes toward life and people as much as I can. I am blessed that my life experience has shown to me that human beings acutally can be really powerful and resilient.

I appreciate people in my life who are so different from me, because they greatly expand my mind and open up my heart, helping me discover limited beliefs and then change them deliberately. When I am sensitive to the thoughts that say they should do that or they shouldn't do that, often I would immediately discover the double standard in my belief system and then I could laugh at myself in a lighthearted way, and decide to let go of some, not usefuly any more, thoughts. From there, my world would open a bit more. And then, a bit more. This opening-up keeps going on.


Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-2-16 01:49:00 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2024-2-16 11:26 编辑

Things are working out for me.

One of my favorite fan fiction just updated and so I can soon enjoy it. I so appreciate the writer for her talents and her love of the couple.

I like the unique identity as an adult as compared to the kid. I like being the one who takes them to play, to acknowledge their happiness and feel happy for them, and to have meaningful conversations with them on the spot, and to be the willing cooperative partner in their lives.

My body keeps on working well for me. My mind is clear. My mind works faster and faster. I read and understand faster. I listen and understand faster. I think faster. My eyes see clearly. My ears hear clearly. I speak clearly. I walk fast. I breathe easily. I rest and sleep well. I feel comfortable from head to toe. Every part of the body is robust and healthy.

I keep on having free consecutive, abundant time to do what I like. I always put myself in bright, comfy, convenient, lovely physical space. I attract beautiful new songs. I enjoy music purely. I set gentle songs as bgm when I think and write. I ponder upon subjects I am recently interested in. I watch lighthearted dramas with funny conversations. I watch stand-ups and laugh. I explore and expand my thoughts on abundance, including financial abundance. I sip hot coffee. I say hello to the cute little girl, observing her walking over and putting a piece of chewing gum on my table. I browse on some shorts and favorites some of them. I close and rest my eyes, and deliberatley think thoughts in my mind. I notice that my thoughts on the subject of relationships naturally expand.

My computers, laptops, tabloid, smartphone, earphones/headphones, mobile discs, the portbable charger, and the laptop and phone holders are all working extremely well for me. I benefit almost every by Netease Music Cloud app, Baidu Netdisc app, Iqiyi and bilibili. I have access to all desired Internet resources. I am extremely abundant in resonating songs, inspiring and guiding speeches, funny stand-up, interesting dramas and novels, and mind-opening news/information/data.

This afternoon, I was inspired to take a long walk, heading for the lake. Of course with music. The song list I had subscribed for maybe more than one year actually is an ever updating one, a combination of some old songs and some new songs. It's such a perfect match with the views I saw with my eye and my bodily movements. And it is an international songlist, including mandarin, Korean, cantonese, Vietnamese, and Thai songs. I just let my mind wander in all kinds of beauty, other than the music and the natural view. I remembered how I got onto this amaizng world of the cp because of movie. Then one thing led to another, I joined in a wonderful group of cute, creative and passionate fans and their amazing creations like novels, videos, etc. I also deliberately thought about lovely people and lovely interactions in my life, such as that cute little girl in the cafe who wears a snow-white fluffy coat and a horse-face skirt, coupled with an ancient hairstyle. I was really multitasking during the walk. My eyes enjoy the beauty, my ears enjoy the beauty, my mind focus upon the beauty deliberately activated, and every part of my body exercises because of the fast walking.


Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-2-16 11:59:07 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2024-2-16 12:26 编辑







Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-2-17 03:24:10 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2024-2-17 03:29 编辑





Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-2-19 15:49:57 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2024-2-19 15:54 编辑





Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-2-21 13:56:42 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2024-2-22 01:15 编辑







Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-2-22 01:49:30 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2024-2-22 01:57 编辑





Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-2-23 02:37:32 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2024-2-23 14:44 编辑







Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-2-26 02:52:53 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2024-2-26 02:58 编辑

Life subjects that make my life more fulfilling.

I am glad to FEEL INTERESTED in stories of abundant genres and in different forms. I choose and watch/listen to/read them based upon my present emotional states and intentions. When I feel bored, mind-exciting stories such as crime or detectives stories could make my brains more alive and fresh. And often, because of my stable, strong love of a cp, novels about them can easily attract me and enliven me and most of them are fluffy romantic stories. Putting storyline aside, I can also reap pleasure by exploring the multi-faceted characters and the superb acting skills of those vetaran actors in movies and dramas--these aspects themselves could make a movie or drama with weak plots still watchable. It's interesting to see how just one actor could greately enhance the attraction of a drama to the audience; I am talking about Zhang Songwen and The Hunter.

Stories are multi-functional. As I ponder upon the characters, I have been gleaning my favorites in terms of human personality traits. Some, I wanna incorporate into my being, and others, I wanna see more in people around me. Sometimes, the settings or the backgrounds of the stories would either show me what I desire now, or lead me to appreciating where I am now. For example, a story happened 40 or 50 years ago helped me to genuinely apprciate my belongings and where I am now: I appreciate hte abundant food and snacks and beverages available to me. I appreciate that I can easily find interesting contents on the Internet. Iappreciate that I can easily move around in different physical spaces. I appreciate that I can easily put many lovely elements together to create the life experience I like: I can walk to the cafe, order a cup of hot coffee, open my laptop and start my music app, and then enjoy my thinking and writing while sipping coffee from time to time. I can always stay in comfy physical environments, cool in summers, and warm in winters. I can always stay in extremely bright environments...

I am glad to be A MUSIC LOVER. I LOVE music. I like the abundant, unique emotions/feelings/atmospheres/matching images and stories music can easily cause/ignite/inspire within my mindbody. I feel blessed to have music existing in my life every day. From time to time, I would quiet my mind, and fully immerse myself in the rhythm of the music, feeling the obvious and subtle reactions in my body. Life becomes MORE BEAUTIFUL because of music. Often, I describe music as beautiful, though words fail to express my strong appreciation of music. In this unlimited ocean of music, there are laid-back, lighthearted songs, dramatic, desperate songs, creepy and addictive songs like 囍, sexy, sensual songs, inspring and energizing songs.. You name it.

I am glad to be the EXPLORER of INTERESTING LIFE THEMES. I explore subjects like relationships, how to live a passionate life, finances, inspirations and intuition, love, etc. I like opening up and having new beneficial beliefs and ready to change them as time goes by. Being the explorer, trivial things could be enticing to me as I decide to probe into them to see weather I could see them from new lights. Sometimes, I would be guided to some memories which turned hate to allowance, patience and care and willingness to support and love, real quick. This desire, this aspect or identity of mine, spreads more bright colors in the trapstry of my life. And it excites my mind to explore, to ponder, to seek for solutions.

I liking thinking about and interacting with people in my life, especially the new generation. I like remembering their cute faces. I like sorta standing in their physical shoes in order to understand them more. I like finding wellbeing of abundant kinds in their lives on their behalves. I like believing in their bright future, their unlimited potential and their state of being always supported and assisted. I persitently enhance and practice these beliefs...

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-3-1 09:04:17 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2024-3-1 09:06 编辑


我不是为了笑点去逛某个论坛的,但首页的一张图片吸引了我的注意,标题是:电视剧的翻译又搞事了。搞事?!是什么事呢,好奇的我点了进去,看完帖子,差点没笑死。中文原句是:那只是闺蜜之间的口嗨而已。英文把它翻译为:It's just oral sex between best friends. 毫无疑问,翻译领域里埋藏着数不清的笑点,趁热打铁,于是我立刻搜索了相关帖子,好延长笑得想死的独特感受。果然发现不少,比如宋代的男男女女在不知道耶稣是谁的情况下,时不时感慨——Jesus! 或者Jeez!


Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-3-5 06:05:02 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2024-3-5 06:13 编辑





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